WEB Suspends Visa Services in Canada

Escalating Diplomatic Rift

India and Canada at Odds

WEB India, the visa processing center for India in Canada, has suspended services amid an escalating diplomatic rift between the two countries. The decision to halt visa issuance follows the killing of an Indian national in Canada and India's subsequent announcement that it would stop issuing visas to Canadian citizens.

Security Concerns Raised

WEB India has cited unspecified security threats as the reason for the suspension of visa services. The move has further deteriorated relations between India and Canada, which were already strained by the killing of the Indian national.

Bilateral Tensions Heightening

WEB India's suspension of visa services is seen as a significant escalation in the diplomatic rift between India and Canada. The situation is unlikely to improve anytime soon, as both countries continue to hold firm on their positions.


The suspension of WEB India's visa processing services in Canada is a stark reminder of the deteriorating state of relations between the two countries. The escalating row over the killing of the Indian national has cast a long shadow over their previously warm ties. As the rift widens, it remains to be seen how long WEB India's visa suspension will last and what further consequences it will have on bilateral relations.